Name: Terrenal Cabernet Sauvignon
Variety: Cabernet Sauvignon
Region: Yecla
Country: Spain
Year: 2010
Price: $6.99
Wine Critic's Review: "A pleasant, forward nose is followed by a slightly bitter initial attack. Then, a bitter grapefruit flavor remains throughout the palate and finish, which in addition, is somewhat tart. Medium dryness on the palate. Nice flavor overall, though the bitter component is to be noted. Some correspondingly strong food would probably do the trick." -Fruit of the Vine Blog
My Review: When initially smelling the wine, I noticed a slight licorice smell with a hint of blackberry and spice. On the palate was a slight hint of sweet, but the taste immediately turned bitter and a little dryer than I would like. The little taste of grapefruit added a little bitter, yet mildly sweet taste.
I did not have food with this wine.
I didn't notice much bitterness in the wine when I tried it. Whatever there was was brief and resolved itself within about 15-20 minutes in the air. The same was true for the Tempranillo from the same brand. . The wines are quite young and need to breathe sometimes for the fruit to develop.. I had the wines with a salty steak. That was all they needed for food. Jackpot bingo, after that the fruit exploded. Well worth the money but give them air and enjoy them with steak or pastrami or salami if you can't wait.